Every single day our bodies encounter different performance demands.
Whether it be getting the kids ready for school before you boot up your home office in readiness for a day of Zoom calls or perhaps grinding your way through a 10ker. We all finds ways to push not only our bodies, but also our minds, to get ‘it’ done.
The RECOVERY offering at the Health Hub will help you rest, recover and reset your mind and body, enabling you to ‘go again’.
We are passionate about looking after, and managing, our minds and bodies here at the Health Hub and after several years of trialling and testing many hacks to achieve the optimum rest and recovery, we are proud to offer some of the best products to help achieve this.
Whether you want to catch up on sleep, manage stress levels, alleviate muscle soreness or just simply ‘chill’, then please do talk to us about the services on offer.

Get 2-3 hours of restorative sleep in just 30 minutes.
NuCalm balances the autonomic nervous system guiding it towards parasympathetic, ”rest and recover” dominance.
When the nervous/hormonal systems are “fight or flight” dominant, sleep quality at night is disrupted as they become unfamiliar with how to shift to a state where proper sleep and healing are possible

37a Market Place
MK46 4AJ
01234 240113
Please call to book an appointment to view the The Health Hub
01234 240113